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Friday 9 April 2010

Nobody's reading this, right?

A bit late to get into the blogging thing, but hey here goes - I was always a late starter. Guessing you guys out there want the fun stuff, the meaty stuff - the personal details about my life. Why? Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say? Mr Ordinary that's me. But it's the ordinary people that get things done, isn't it? I mean look at Moses. Ok he's famous now, but when he encountered the burning bush, he was just a shepherd, and who wants to be one of those?

Any road up. I'm now Fifty - yep the big five-o (as of 25 days ago) and up to this point in my life I can't really say that I've achieved much, but as I was saying - it's the 'nobody's' of this world that get things done.

I've been a Christian much of my life. I say 'much' - something definite happened at the age of 10, so for the rest of my days God's been a part of it all. I know, I know, some of you don't believe in God and that's up to you. But for me, I like it that way - me an' God, mates.

Do photography too ( Just getting back into it after a long break. Tried a Leica (V-LUX 1) and now I'm trying out the new Canon 550D. Nice camera. Very nice camera. Don't get me wrong the Leica was nice, but this is a different nice. That's the thing about going back to something after a few years - it's all different. It's much easier now. Easier to check the pics, easier to delete the pics. So I'm doing it different, making an effort, making it harder (life's too easy - more on that another time) - using infrared filters. It takes me up to 40 minutes to take one picture (maybe I'll explain in another blog). That in itself is a good thing - slowing down, removing oneself from the hurly burly of the 21st Century rush - it is a good thing. And then you get the reward... the pics. Keep them, delete them. Does it really matter? Who's going to be interested anyway?

So you got to my first blog and this could be my last, but if you're out there reading this, take heart: Mr Ordinary has just entered the world of the ordinary (something's gotta work). See ya next time.

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